Posts Tagged ‘performance’

Experimental Turntablism on Tour. James Kelly + Robert Curgenven

February 24, 2017

James Kelly Vinyl Minimalism.png

I’m organising a three day tour with the composer and sound artist Robert Curgenven. Robert will be presenting his audio visual work Speculative Pataphysics created using three turntables, custom-made oscillators, 1930s acetates and custom-cut dubplates. I will be presenting an AV piece called Vinyl Minimalism in collaboration with The Lab Visuals. The concerts will be the final performances before the submission of my PhD which is focused on the creative application of a disc cutting lathe. I have been collaborating with the cellist Audrey Riley  and have cut records with Audrey’s improvisations using a variety of disc cutting techniques. The records will be remixed in performance using turntablist techniques.

Robert and I will be presenting two concerts in Leicester and Milton Keynes, with a workshop at Goldsmiths University, London. The concert at the Sue Townsend Theatre, Leicester is being generously supported by the music program at Leicester College and the Music Technology and Innovation Research Centre at De Montfort University, Leicester. The second concert is with the the guitarist Norberto Lobo at the MK Gallery Milton Keynes and we finish the tour with a workshop discussing how we use vinyl as part of our compositional process and in performance.

Tour Schedule

Wednesday 15th March
Sue Townsend Theatre, Leicester
7.30pm Free Entry. Reserve tickets

Thursday 16th March
MK Gallery, Milton Keynes with Norberto Lobo
7.30pm £7 on door. Further info

Friday 17th March
Workshop at the University of Goldsmiths, London (more…)

UK Young Artists Workshop and Performance

February 6, 2011

Transformation of the Mind

I was guest artist at the UKYA event in Derby back in October. The concert was the first performance with Ola Szmidt of our album Transformation of the Mind and we had a great audience of UKYA artists. During the day I also gave a soundscape workshop for artists taking part in the UKYA event. (more…)

Tim Exile Performance and Workshop at De Montfort University

April 9, 2010

I had the pleasure of supporting Tim Exile in his visit to De Montfort University, at part of the Cultural Exchanges Festival in March. Tim gave a workshop with students on the MTI program discussing his approach to performance using his Reaktor patch and hardware controllers.
